
The NCF came to Indonesia with the help of an Indonesian seed practitioner who was sponsored by the foundation to receive training at the Chang Gung Craniofacial Center. The scale and operation of Taiwan's craniofacial center and the NCF's services left a lasting impression for the seed practitioner, inspiring him to actively promote the establishment of a craniofacial center upon returning to Indonesia. This provided an opportunity for the NCF to embark upon Jakarta for the first time in 2008. This also allowed the NCF to keep close collaborating relationships with seed practitioners who have returned to their home countries, and continue to support local medical practitioners to come to Taiwan for training in hopes of forming a local craniofacial medical team. Through this opportunity, the NCF hopes to continue to train more Indonesian cleft lip and palate medical professionals to cultivate the power of local services.


  • Population: 270.6 million
  • Population growth rate: 1.1%
  • Average life expectancy: 72 years old
  • Land area: 1,905,000 sq.km
  • Average national income (GNI per capita, Atlas method): US$4,050

(Sources: World Bank, 2019)


Cleft missions

Training for medical personnel

Medical instrument donation: surgical instrument & nasal endoscopy 


Cipto Mangunkusmo Hospital (Jakarta)

  • Contact person: Dr. Kristaninta Bangun, Surgeon
  • Address: Plastic Surgery Division, Cipto mangunkusumo Hospital, Diponegoro 71, Jakarta.
  • Contact number: 62-21-3918337
  • Fax: 62-21-3905556
  • E-mail:kristaninta@yahoo.com


Hospital of University of Mataram (Lombok)


Hasan Sadikin General Hospital (Bandung)