Taipei, Aug. 23 (CNA)

Two documentary films were screened in Taipei on Sunday to honor American surgeon and missionary Samuel Noordhoff, who provided medical care for Taiwan's patients for decades.

The serial documentaries "Long Vacation" and "Long Vacation Thereafter," produced by the Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation, tells the stories of Noordhoff's 40 years of life and work in Taiwan, as well as his life after retirement.

Andrew Huang (黃達夫), president of the Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, who attended the screening, said Noordhoff embodies the spirit of love, hope, faith and forgiveness.

Noordhoff is a man who practices what he preaches, giving his patients - and Taiwan - hope, Huang said, urging the public to have faith, if not religion, which enables one to do one's best in disregard of personal gains.

Acer founder and honorary chairman Stan Shih (施振榮), meanwhile, noted that the 88-year-old surgeon has provided medical services throughout Southeast Asia and impacted many people's lives.

Noordhoff first came to Taiwan as a medical missionary in 1959. While serving as president of Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei until 1975, he set up a center to help people with polio, a lifeline for suicide prevention and medical services in the mountains.

In 1976, he became the founding superintendent of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taipei. In 1981, he was named the hospital's superintendent emeritus.

He established the Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation in 1989 to help people with craniofacial deformities receive holistic care, sponsor research to advance the quality of medical care, and improve public awareness and social acceptance of patients.

Several years ago, Noordhoff retired and moved back to the U.S. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and received brain surgery in 2012. He last visited Taiwan in 2013.

(By Lung Pei-ning and Christie Chen)