Dr. Noordhoff, the founder of NCF, came to Taiwan as a Medical Missionary 40 years ago. Along the way, Dr. Noordhoff had set up many milestones in the Craniofacial development of Taiwan, such as the first polio rehabilitation center, the first burn center, the first intensive care unit and the first craniofacial center. In 1989, Dr. Noordhoff donated his personal savings of USD 100,000 and established NCF.

Dr. Noordhoff was retired from CGMH and went back to America in 1999. Nevertheless, his heart is always bound to us, to his students (who now have excellent medical achievements on Craniofacial Treatments), to his patients, to Taiwan. Due to his love to Taiwan, he comes back every year.

As time goes by, Dr. Noordhoff is already 83 years old and he can no longer trouble any long time journey. This is going to be his last time being back. To thank Dr. Noordhoff’s unselfish sacrifice to Taiwan, NCF is going to hold a thanksgiving party. Patients of Dr. Noordhoff, NCF staffs and volunteers are coming to say Goodbye and give our most sincere gratitude to him.

Dr. Noordhoff, you are the blessing from God. We all love you!! You will always be kept in our hearts :)